The story behind Alinda of the Loch...
What makes a fairy-tale a fairy-tale? Is it the conflict, where good battles evil and conquers just as all hope seems to be lost? Is it the romance behind the tale, where a kind but downtrodden girl is rescued by a seemingly flawless prince and takes her away? Or maybe it’s the closing phrase and they lived happily ever after? But what does really happen after they live happily ever after ? The story Alinda of the Loch answers this question for one of these famous stories, and creates a whole new adventure to be told.
By the shores of Loch Ness, a majestic castle ruin stands, gracing a rocky outcrop. The castle, known as Urquhart, clamours to tell her tales. The past of this place with its legends of mystery and conflict has been concealed, as the bricks and centuries disappeared. For hundreds of years it has been the home of warring clans and unseen kingdoms but as we shall discover, the ruin is at last about to find peace with itself. On a sunny day, the clarity of the views looking from the castle in all directions is breathtaking, as striking mountains proudly frame the site. A path leads from the north to an arched gateway, which welcomes visitors in to explore the mysterious battlements. Looking to the west a solitary tower stands tall looking out over the furtive waters of the Ness. All is not as it seems...
Lurking under the deep dark waters, full of peat and plankton, a shadowy creature patrols back and forth. It constantly keeps the ruin within its inner vision. Throughout the centuries, this creature has been heralded both as a monster and as a myth. From everywhere the curious flock to the shores of the Ness, in anticipation of catching a glimpse of this elusive inhabitant of the loch. They are mindful of the danger the creature may pose if challenged. Imagine being the one to explain what lies beneath the water. Various descriptions and photographs have appeared over many years in newspapers, from stories of normally sober citizens who are convinced they have seen the inhabitant of the deep. It has been seen to have one hump, two humps even three humps. It has also been described as having a long slender neck ending in a small head. However, until this tale unfolds no one knows what lies beneath the water.
In an earlier part of last century, some schoolchildren told tales of a most peculiar and horrifying animal they had see in a busy swamp in Urquhart Bay. They fled to their homes and refused to leave, unless accompanied by a strong and well-armed protector. Through the years, these tales have been handed down and embroiled, and thus the legend has grown, of the Monster who patrols the loch and frightens those who get too close. But too close to what? What lies behind the tales and why should such a creature be living in the waters by Castle Urquhart? The secret is hidden in deep dark caves right beneath the ruins. The importance of the secret is so precious that the Monster will stop at nothing to protect it. It is now time for our story to begin to unfold...
Alinda of the Loch is about the daughter of King Collin and Queen Aurora, the once famous sleeping beauty. As a familiar enemy emerges to cause heartbreak, Alinda s life unfolds just as a normal princess would up until an important day. Alinda of the Loch is a tantalizing story, with romance, mystery, and suspense. You ll read about Alinda s adventures in the strange and new world she is thrown into without warning, the romance that develops between Alinda and her rescuer, and the choices she is forced to make. You will be instantly hooked and compelled by the beautiful story of Alinda of the Loch.
By the shores of Loch Ness, a majestic castle ruin stands, gracing a rocky outcrop. The castle, known as Urquhart, clamours to tell her tales. The past of this place with its legends of mystery and conflict has been concealed, as the bricks and centuries disappeared. For hundreds of years it has been the home of warring clans and unseen kingdoms but as we shall discover, the ruin is at last about to find peace with itself. On a sunny day, the clarity of the views looking from the castle in all directions is breathtaking, as striking mountains proudly frame the site. A path leads from the north to an arched gateway, which welcomes visitors in to explore the mysterious battlements. Looking to the west a solitary tower stands tall looking out over the furtive waters of the Ness. All is not as it seems...
Lurking under the deep dark waters, full of peat and plankton, a shadowy creature patrols back and forth. It constantly keeps the ruin within its inner vision. Throughout the centuries, this creature has been heralded both as a monster and as a myth. From everywhere the curious flock to the shores of the Ness, in anticipation of catching a glimpse of this elusive inhabitant of the loch. They are mindful of the danger the creature may pose if challenged. Imagine being the one to explain what lies beneath the water. Various descriptions and photographs have appeared over many years in newspapers, from stories of normally sober citizens who are convinced they have seen the inhabitant of the deep. It has been seen to have one hump, two humps even three humps. It has also been described as having a long slender neck ending in a small head. However, until this tale unfolds no one knows what lies beneath the water.
In an earlier part of last century, some schoolchildren told tales of a most peculiar and horrifying animal they had see in a busy swamp in Urquhart Bay. They fled to their homes and refused to leave, unless accompanied by a strong and well-armed protector. Through the years, these tales have been handed down and embroiled, and thus the legend has grown, of the Monster who patrols the loch and frightens those who get too close. But too close to what? What lies behind the tales and why should such a creature be living in the waters by Castle Urquhart? The secret is hidden in deep dark caves right beneath the ruins. The importance of the secret is so precious that the Monster will stop at nothing to protect it. It is now time for our story to begin to unfold...
Alinda of the Loch is about the daughter of King Collin and Queen Aurora, the once famous sleeping beauty. As a familiar enemy emerges to cause heartbreak, Alinda s life unfolds just as a normal princess would up until an important day. Alinda of the Loch is a tantalizing story, with romance, mystery, and suspense. You ll read about Alinda s adventures in the strange and new world she is thrown into without warning, the romance that develops between Alinda and her rescuer, and the choices she is forced to make. You will be instantly hooked and compelled by the beautiful story of Alinda of the Loch.